Cover-19 pandemic has affected our peace, happiness, physical and mental health due to the financial crisis, unemployment, health concerns, relationships and many relationships. Such mind. The world is dealing with health crises that lead to more mental health crisis. The need to maintain physical and social gap has contributed to poor mental health, leading to loneliness in some people, so it can also affect physical health. Ill, a small thought or a small trouble can do the same thing with a mental immune -immune. The path of traveling in life “We tend to keep a thought and let it affect us; but the less we know, the less we react to them, the more we can learn how to counter Deputy with them. Our mental immunity is what will help you when your physical health is decreasing, ” PIC: Istockon on the occasion of World Health DaySheetal recommends a few tips to build a person’s mental immunity in the pandemic: Start the new day calm: When you wake up in the morning, avoid focusing on things that can activate activation. Your thoughts. For example, avoid using smartphones or read the newspaper for at least an hour to stay away from all potential negative. While doing so, focusing on exercise and avoiding gossip or watching TV.
PIC: ISTOCKAVoid Consumption of excessive news: Today, the media is filled with news related to Covid, leading to negative thoughts. Therefore, try to avoid excessive use by limiting your news consumption as it can increase pain and anxiety. Although, consume the necessary information through news by placing limit. Communication: The main aspect to deal with any form of mental illness or even the smallest stress is communication. Do not ruin your emotions regardless of. There is always a person in life that we can approach. Say it even if you do not receive the solution, at least it will reduce the burden. In case, the problem increases, approaching an expert. Make your blessings: make it a habit to focus on what is going well for you. Every day, write down 10 things that you are grateful to your life, it may be as grateful as the atmosphere you breathe. This exercise helps you fill your mind when reminding you how lucky you are. Say your fear: Very popular to be activated with scary thoughts in this difficult period. The expectation of scary thoughts, but realized that it did not always reflect reality. These scary thoughts are just the result of excessive thoughts. To accept: We all have experienced events in our lives unacceptable to us and change everything around us. Most of these are trying to direct us to make a change, so please honor them. Remember, everything happens. Drawing to help others: Helping others is not only good for your help but also enhances your self -esteem that increases your value and makes you feel good about yourself, which is the most important thing. Other effective activities such as writing, jumping, cooking and creating art can cause you to focus and direct your mind in a positive way. It also enhances and provides energy for your brain while keeping the mood disappear. It is extremely important to pay attention to what is happening in your brain and guide it effectively. These small activities will help you do so by focusing on important things that will eventually promote your mental immunity.