Women feeling lonelier than men during lockdown, new study

Recently we were surprised by the report that young people were more likely to be lonely than the elderly. Something that we cannot think of – young people beside them, sweet ambitions, passion for nursing and their passion for learning. But the truth is something else. Now if we think of gender, we know that women tend to shoulder more responsibility than their male colleagues. This multitask has caused damage and now a study has confirmed that women are suffering more lonely than men. Made by economists working at ESSEX University, emphasizing that women may face more mental health problems than men during the course. The study also focused on many people who report more mental health issues than before – according to official data, the issues have increased from 7% to 18% in Coronavirus pandemic. This is especially true for women, where the figures have increased from 11 to 27 percent while locking. High pressure is clear because they are taking care of domestic work, children as well as their work. Researchers have conducted online interviews to evaluate behavior models. Among all women, 34 % said that sometimes they felt lonely, 11 % said they felt a lot lonely compared to men, where 23 % said that sometimes they felt lonely and 6 %. said they felt lonely quite often. This is not the first research that highlights the pressure to overcome women. That is why experts around the world are asking men to contribute the same to household jobs. Nurturing a child, housework is considered the task of a woman and a ‘help’ man when they want. This approach needs to change and we need many men who are willing to shoulder responsibility, not as they want, but a equal partner.

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