Why are so many Indians stressed?

82% of Indians are stressed today. The level of tension is increasing even causing India to earn the title of the most depressed country in the world, some years ago. This has become an accidental word in our lives, right? For a problem for many years, it is considered a ‘Western’ concept, the number of Indians reeling under deeper tension than any Western country. Overload, more and more Indians are suffering, depression, anxiety and related diseases. The more shocking thing is that stress is also one of the main reasons for increasing the priority of cardiac arrest in youth, blood pressure outbreaks and increasing the risk of chronic diseases. The pandemic only adds to our disaster. In a development that is making experts worried, we may be on the side to face a terrible mental health epidemic. The rate of depression, anxiety, and loneliness due to the key has soared. Do not forget, Crisis Covid-19 has launched in front of us to draw many people emotionally as well as financially. But what is the main question that we face in front of us what makes Indians so stressed? Stress is considered an environmental factor that makes people stronger, the definition of stress has come to an overhaul. And, in the lack of necessary knowledge, Indians are suffering from its curse. of many recent studies and research.

#Lifelineseries: Why are so many Indians emphasized today?

Stress may vary from other people to varies depending on the age you are staying and the elements in front of you. pressure. Increasing attention (ADHD) is also often diagnosed in young children. For teenagers and teenagers, there is also a risk of worries and depression. Recent studies have also shown that teenagers in the age of social media also face higher risk of suicide. With age, stress causes and changing factors. The relationship has difficulty, increasing the rate of divorce is also some reasons behind the stress is highly active and mental health problems. And then, there was a problem with Indian aging population. While India is a relatively young country, but there are also many elderly people at risk of degenerative and mental health disorders- Alzheimer, dementia, cognitive impairment and many diseases. Other mental. The issues have only worse over the years. What can you do to deal with stress? Stress is part of our lives but that does not mean that you have to let it negatively affect the community, we need more than the approach and focus on mental health. . From legitimate cognitive drives, educational and easy resources available, stress can be processed in a better way. There are many things we can do, because individuals control and reduce stress levels. Good quality sleep, shorter time, spending time for a training session, having a strong, nutritious diet and more mindful measures that can help you apply a better life. Despite the introduction of the Internet, and celebrities of open conversations have brought to the table, there are still many legends, taboos and false information about mental health. Remember, seeking therapy or going to a psychiatrist, or being opened about how you feel not to make a weak, or bad person. Mental diseases should not be discriminated against and the right help, at the right time can overcome a lot of bud problems.

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