Which of the 3 thieves from La Casa de Papel is actually the impostor out of them? A unique IQ test

Dear attentive and agile readers, we are happy and excited to present to you another very interesting and unique intelligence test that will test your attention and concentration.

Very few people can detect which of the three thieves in “Casa de Papel” is actually an impostor? Let’s find out if you are one of them. Let’s get started!

To see how fast your mind works, you need a little focus, attention, and a lot of patience. You should first carefully analyze the image and examine its smallest details.

This will help you quickly find out which of the 3 thieves in “Casa de Papel” is actually an impostor.

Make the most of your concentration. We wish you luck. Watch the reveal below whenever you’re ready! Here we go!

You must pay attention to every smallest detail! Did you spot the impostor in “Casa de Papel”? If you look closely, you can notice that the man on the right is an imposter because he’s not wearing gloves, thus leaving his fingerprints everywhere.

But he doesn’t care exactly because he’s an impostor and isn’t as careful as the real thing! We hope you enjoyed solving this problem. Enjoy your time and challenge your loved ones to try their skills too!

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