Where’s the bride of this little shepherd boy in the picture? Look how lovely she is.

A long time ago, in a small village nestled among the hills, there lived a young shepherd named Alexey. He is a simple man with a modest income who spends his days taking care of his small flock of sheep. Although poor, Alexey is a kind person who loves nature and tranquility.

One day, while tending sheep in the fields, he caught a glimpse of a beautiful girl named Anastasia. She was the daughter of a wealthy merchant who lived in a neighboring town, and Alexey was captivated by her grace and beauty.

As fate would have it, Anastasia also saw Alexey herding his sheep, and she was also fascinated by his strong charm and simple lifestyle. The two young people often secretly looked at each other from afar but were shy when approaching each other.

One day, Alexey decided to take a risk and sent a message to Anastasia. He carved a small wooden heart and left it in the field where she could find it. When Anastasia discovers the heart, she realizes it is Alexey’s and writes him back, meeting in the fields so they can finally talk.

So where is Anastasia in the picture? Can you find her?

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