What is it and how it can be a form of emotional abuse?

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse in which the attacker manipulates the victim into thinking that their reality is fake by forcing them to question their memory, thoughts, and feelings. It can be intentional or unintentional.

A gaslighter’s motive is to have complete control over you, they can manipulate you in a way that makes you feel less confident in yourself and who you are. They will make you more dependent on yourself than yourself. They tend to be overly affectionate towards you in the beginning, aiming to gain your trust and love, then gradually incorporate little things and behaviors that make you question yourself, possibly denying them. admit that they made a mistake or tell you that people are talking about you. or criticize you in a way that makes you think they care about you when in reality they are just hitting your self-esteem.

Gaslighting is just as harmful as physical abuse, in the long run it makes a person question their nature and can cause them to become depressed.

A person is born without a sarcastic personality, it is a learned behavior. A person born into a gaslighting environment tends to think that this is normal and acceptable behavior. It can be in any type of relationship such as parenting, boss-employee relationships, friendships, and romantic relationships. It was an abusive relationship.

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