​What does your sitting posture say about your personality?​

There are many different things that tell us our personality; The shape of the nose, sleeping posture, finger shape is one of the parameters based on which the persuasion of an individual is estimated almost. Today, we are considering something really attractive: your sitting posture may be another factor showing your insights about your personality.

The analysis has shown that sitting postures provide interesting information about a person’s personality. Experts believe that they are in harmony with the subconscious signals that are reflected in the way an individual moves their feet and feet, closely associated with our emotions that affect our actions.

Whether it is towards something that we really admire or stay away from things that bring fear, insecurity or discomfort, the position of the feet sometimes leaves a lot to say about what is happening under the surface.

Here we will focus on these different sitting postures, sitting cross -legged, knee opening and sitting upright.

Cross legs can show creativity and dreaming, knees showing confidence and curiosity, while sitting with straight knees often reflect rationality and organization. Each posture provides deep understanding of your subconscious characteristics and signals. Continue and learn more about what your position will say about you?

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