Walking for 12 minutes will instantly boost your mood, claims study

Walking has many proven health benefits. It helps manage weight, improves cardiovascular health, reduces hypertension and makes your bones stronger. Another advantage of walking is that it can improve your spirit when you feel extremely low. You have been informed many times in the past to walk when you don’t feel okay. But exactly how much time does it take to work with our mood? Walking certainly increases your mood, but it is best to take less time to show the results. According to a 2016 study conducted at Iowa State University, walking in just 12 minutes could have a positive impact on your mood. Moreover, you do not need any other traditional happiness elements such as the sun, nature, social contact or optimistic music for that. Research for research published in Essive magazine, researchers have conducted three experiments on participants. The first thing is to study the impact of walking compared to not walking. In the second part, participants were asked to visit and then write an essay. This is to estimate their level of discomfort. In the third experiment, participants were asked to walk on the treadmill. Finally, it was revealed that people who went out with a lower hormone level were lower than those who walked indoors or not walking at all. How to walk when you walk outdoors, you lead to a calm state, helping to reduce your anxiety. Walk for you a little quality time with yourself. It is the time that you can really recall events taking place around you. This recharity of your mind and you feel relaxed. The next buying next time you feel low, take a walk outdoors for at least 12 minutes. This will improve your mood and you will feel better.

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