‘Waking Rest’: The New Wellness Trend everyone’s talking about, here’s how you can practice it

With the advent of technology, digital advancements, our lives have certainly become easier to handle. Although we still lead busy lives, there are easier ways to stay connected with our loved ones, make tasks more manageable, and run our finances more efficiently. more effective. However, are there any downsides to living in such a modern, advanced environment? Of course it is! Needless to say, it can take a drastic toll on our physical and mental well-being.Read more: Cry Out Loud: Spain’s ‘crying room’ set to break mental health stigmaThink about those times when you woke up feeling extremely anxious about your day’s work, gulped down your breakfast and then went straight to work. That said, a new wellness trend ‘rest-wake’ has become the talk of the town, helping people manage stressors and ease their mental state. Here’s everything you need to know about it. Rest’ – New wellness technique at our rescue, paying attention to yourself, your spirit is extremely important. Even though your job, your social media may give you a feeling of satisfaction, there is nothing more fun than staying awake and still having nothing to worry about. This phenomenon is called ‘resting wake’. According to Amanda Lamp, an instructor at Washington State University, “Wake rest is a period of quiet, reflective thinking that allows the brain to consider and process whatever arises naturally. .” Wander even when it’s awake. It disengages you from anything that can affect your mind in any way. So while you may enjoy washing clothes, dishes, cleaning your apartment, you are not allowed to participate in anything. How to practice? at least 2-3 minutes for your thoughts. You don’t have to do anything at first and let your thoughts take the lead. Don’t try and fight it, instead enjoy the simplest, most mundane tasks that don’t require any mental engagement. Here’s how you can practice “waking up” at its best. Doing so regularly will train your mind to get used to it and will help your brain recognize when you need a break. Pandemic’s implications for mental health, digital technology adds fuel to the fiery challenges our mental health has posed over time Fittingly, the coronavirus pandemic has only worsened situation. With everyone locked down, practicing social distancing and working from home, a semblance of normalcy has been lost. Over the past year and a half, we have been hooked on our phones, social media, causing major trauma in our minds. You may often find yourself waking up, not to a fresh cup of morning tea. And when you wake up, you cloud your mind with all the things you see on social media platforms, contributing to an already existing anxiety. That said, it’s important to focus on yourself, your mental health. Giving yourself some time to practice self-care can be very soothing and relaxing. One must feel the joy of being awake and doing absolutely nothing. Instead of pressuring your mind to overthink, give your body and spirit a feeling of serenity and peace.

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