To identify the 3 changes between these two drawings in less than ten seconds, you must have laser vision!

In ten seconds or less, you’ll need to keep your eyes open to identify three differences in these drawings. The illustrations depict a small child bending down to drink water flowing from a pipe protruding from a rock.

The aim of the game is to find the differences between two photos or sets of items. These variations can be in the form of visual cues, such as an additional element, a missing component, a different color, a modified shape, etc.

To identify any potential differences, players must closely examine and compare the details.

The boy cupped his hands to cool down. He has a bag and wears a red hat. The two designs may seem similar at first glance, but you’ll need good eyesight to distinguish the subtle differences between the two.

Why not give it a try if you believe you can beat the clock and identify all three differences in less than ten seconds? We wish you luck. Watch the reveal below whenever you’re ready!

Congratulations, you have a good eye if you succeed. However, all three have proven difficult to define for many people; Solutions are provided here. Enjoy your time and be productive with us by checking out more tests like this!

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