The beginning of a new year often comes with the hope of starting new, new success and new milestones. However, with the 2020 event that has affected the world, this year will be more about overcoming adversity and adapting more with this new normal. And one of the best ways to prepare to ensure success in any new effort, is to approach it with the right attitude! This is a way to overcome adversity, at any stage of life. 1 and an attitude of death never said, it is the foundation of the championship athletes (the war of Islam is in their vocabulary) is also the main motivation for survivors that have transcended above these. The challenge threw them at life and the victory emerged. It increased from the first accepting the situation and then determined to overcome it, regardless of the difficulties and the number of failures of a person that a meeting, in this process. This will have to be the first step to rebuild a person’s life! 2. Faith: Promoting attitude is faith, determination and commitment to success at any price. The belief provides clarity and focusing that you can achieve your final goals/vision, and motivate a person to be identified and reserved with a clear roadmap needed to achieve and Thanh Cong in achieving your goals. Just a positive attitude without faith, will not go far. 3. Power of will: While there are clear goals along with beliefs, determination and dedication are important, the will and the power of the will and the approach to encourage continuously so as not to stop unless human. We have achieved success, identifying sports spirit and survivors. From stories of medical miracles and mundane success to examples of life built from nothing, Will Power is always a secret component that adds to the fuel that is essential to continue. And ensure success achieved. 4. Perseverance: perseverance, such as the will of will, helping to put into efforts and actions necessary to achieve goals, step by step. Despite the failure, the ability to focus on improving themselves, through finding advisors, inputs and knowledge, and construction criticisms, along with building a system. Reliable support, are very important when faced with adversity. 5. Ready to learn: This is of course the most important part of growth and success. Facing adversity and challenges, knowledge and current skill sets are not enough to make it difficult for us to deal with new situations/ circumstances. The ability to understand and accept the fact that one needs to learn and re -learn knowledge, rules, skills, methods, methods or even the process of thinking to survive, is an important moment. important when people decide to fight. And from there, it was a growth trend! In addition to the above qualities, an inherent part of any sports player, physical and mental participation is deeply related to sports, and has great value. In times like this when the bossy challenges can make a person sad or depressed and easily loose, a friendly game of a person’s favorite sport can help build a positive. , bringing hope, releasing happy chemicals in the brain and creating miracles for physical, mental, mental, mental, and emotional health, in the long run. With the new year, it will be wise to enjoy a friendly sport that you choose, to not only achieve a pleasant job – balance life, but also imbued with the positive characteristics of a player Sports, can go a long way to create a healthy and successful life! The input of Sameer Bhide, the author of the book ‘A beautiful day’