This visual puzzle is over 100 years old, but even today, not everyone can figure out where the second boot is.

Out of all the people who have solved this puzzle, only 5% of people were able to solve it in just a few seconds. Can you join this number?

The ability to quickly solve puzzles shows that the brain is ready to process information quickly. If you aren’t already proud of this skill, it’s worth practicing!

Fast thinking helps make more effective decisions in everyday life, remember new knowledge, improve concentration and attention, which is very beneficial for jobs that require high concentration. Finally, brain training can help prevent age-related dementia and other diseases related to decline in brain function.

People have known about all these benefits of brain training for a long time. So, over the centuries they have created various visual puzzles. We invite you to tackle one of them!

Look closely at the picture: a man is holding one boot in his hand, but where is the second one? Help find it! Start a stopwatch and record the time it takes you to complete this task.

Hurry up! And don’t get distracted by anything.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t worry – the answer will be waiting for you below.

Answer: Are you ready to see the solution? That’s it – everything is extremely simple!

Can you find the boot in the picture? And how many seconds did you spend searching?

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