There is one detail that differs the two images. Find it in 10 seconds!

Hello and welcome to the next exciting observation mission! Differences can sometimes be found in the details and today you will visit a unique museum where a famous work of art is waiting for you to admire.

A girl can be seen in the painting reflecting one of the most famous sculptures ever made.

However, there is an interesting little element in that there is a slight difference between two identical photos that you have to find. Let’s take a look at the paintings that inspired this scene before we start looking for differences. The work “The Thinker”:

Carefully compare two identical images and find the single hidden difference between them. We are sure you can do this, just pay attention and don’t forget the time pressure.

It will lead you to the best results. Now, we wish you luck. Check out the reveal below whenever you’re ready!

Here it is. The only difference you have to notice is in the statue. We really hope you’ve spotted it for the limited time.

Be productive with us and enjoy solving these intuitive puzzles to improve your skills and mental abilities. Enjoy your time!

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