There is a mistake in this kind and cute image of a grandma playing with her cats. Find it!

We are happy to present to you another very interesting IQ test for your attention. Errors in visual puzzles are often difficult to detect and need to be examined thoroughly. In patterns, shapes, or elements that differ from the rest, look for differences.

Pay attention to symmetry, color, and proportion, among other factors. If there is text in the quiz, study it closely for spelling or grammatical errors.

For example, if one of the puzzle pieces is an image with repeating patterns, look for any deviations or irregularities in it. If the image includes multiple objects, make sure each object fits into the broader subject by examining it closely.

Remember to follow your intuition and quickly go through the full image within the allotted time. The trick is to maintain focus and spot anything that differs from the usual pattern.

Please observe the image presented below and detect errors. This is your main task. See disclosure below whenever you find mistakes. We wish you luck.

This is a mistake! A cat with a dog’s tail! It seems simple, but if you find it, you can proudly claim that you are a genius. We hope you enjoy the process of solving it.

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