The trend of using fake Instagram accounts to battle social media anxiety can also be tackled offline! Here’s how

Do you remember why you create your first Instagram account? Many people jumped into the wagon as soon as the social media platform was launched because it was one of the types that allow you to share photos. Whether you have chosen a public account or keep your privacy settings, you have used this portal to connect with friends, family and acquaintances online. However, when time passes, many of us feel uncomfortable with the feeling of continuous judgment – not everything you have posted means for all those who see it. The vigilant eyes of your relatives or friends make you feel exposed and worried. Moreover, especially in the pandemic, many of us feel worried about social media emitted by our accounts. Creating a secret Instagram account, many people have used a secret Instagram account to combat this subconscious pressure that social media brings. What you need is surrounded by an energy circle that gives you positive and peaceful, allowing you to interact with the outside world but help you maintain the distance with the public eye. This new ‘detox social media’ method involves creating a private, secret social media account, where the only circle you follow and follow is the best friends. And your dearest.

  • Only share this account with people you feel most comfortable and keep the settings alone. In the end, the view of having a secret account when you cannot let go of your inhibition and is a 100%yourself?
  • Post your favorite moments only for your best friends to see. There is no risk of judgment, because we are honest – perhaps they have poor screenshots on your face in big supply!
  • Surrounding you with pages and hashtags that you know will make you smile without being restricted. Maybe dogs, cats, children’s animals, or humor full of bullshit games – interact and participate with what makes your heart shake with joy
  • It is very encouraged to offer this method of detoxification at least one week before you consider the results. Do not feel in a hurry to feel relaxed.
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If even after creating a fake social media account, you are worried, maybe it’s time to look inside. Time on the screen regularly checks their phone notifications first in the morning. Overload of information can interfere with productivity and ability to prioritize our tasks and if the information we receive is talking about the horror of the pandemic, it can also arouse anxiety and coin. Depression. Place your phone into the online aircraft mode, use the traditional alarm clock to wake up or to ignore your notice for a healthy start for your day! The problem itself. Whenever free, avoid picking up your phone; Instead, choose your hobby. This is a more effective way to reduce anxiety caused by the pandemic. It is important to remember that although we cannot control what the world carries us, we can definitely filter it and change our approach to it.

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