In a recent category, writer Rega JHA admitted ‘doomscrolling’ – what we all do but there is no term so far: Our habits cannot stop consuming bad news at the speed of haunting speed image. Along with it, we are living through a new vocabulary that is formed when we go through ‘Coronageddon’ (yes, another common word for normal). It is capable of taking the tail of a trendy word and makes it spread. He noted: Social media – especially Twitter – is about sharp language. Outside, there is a nerveism per minute. Earlier, pop culture was used to develop in and through the lyrics of musicians. Today, it develops in the hashtags of Tweet. From #covidiot and #qualantini to #Coronadosing – Lock vocabulary just started. As writer and financial column Edward Luce said, this is just the beginning of Lockdown Living. Good words? Some have found items in the March versions of the online dictionary, and some are on the road to become the bonafide lifestyle trend. From more medical terms such as’ super buoys’, ‘searching’, ‘spread the community’, ‘flatten the curve’, ‘Young vector’ with lifestyle options such as’ away from society. ‘,’ Social isolation ‘,’ socialized socialization ‘,’ cocooning ‘,’ self -weight ‘,’ care ‘for changes in work, such as’ WFH’ (working at home) , ‘No contact,’, ‘remote learning’ and hashtag such as ‘quarantine’ and ‘virtual happiness’ – the new terms and phrases are flying fast. Fashion commentator Sujata Assomull said, the fact that some phrases in the dictionary proves that scholars believe that this pandemic has caused a major change in our approach to our lives. Some of these words will be our lesions for the next time. For example, I can imagine a quarantine used normally when we use the universe, and WFH is often used as OOO (outside the office). This course also led to a lot of introverts. Over the past years, social media has made it difficult for us to use this language. But now, we seem to be thinking about the true meaning of words. Now we will use words as ‘hope’ and ‘fear’ in a more meaningful way, add Assomull. Now, it is a ‘CoroneaterVentation’. PundatatatatinCrollingobSession to update updates of pandemic-mac even though not good news. In addition, ‘coronadose’ (overdose in bad news) isolate the cocktail at home while quarantine. Also leads to the trend of ‘virtual happiness ” In addition, ‘Gen-C’COVIDITOONE, who treats the safety of the safety of other peoplecovidivorceresults of husband and wife constantly. As time passed in isolation, those who work are plunging until the storm is related to the storm, for example, balancing the need for fresh air with the risk of leaving Housecaremongerings. pic. .com