The exact age when average people are the most confident

If you don’t feel confident in yourself, remember that you can always build it up. Confidence can be difficult to build, but it’s not impossible. Just some small changes in your mind and you will notice those changes yourself.

Look back at what you have achieved: If you feel lacking in confidence, look back at the things you have achieved in life. Make a list of it and keep it with you. Whenever you feel discouraged, look to them for motivation.

Play to your strengths: Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. You just need to identify yours and use them to your benefit.

Set some goals: Set some goals and try your best to achieve them. They don’t have to be huge goals. Start small and be proud when you achieve them.

Have a hobby: Find something you’re passionate about. When you fulfill your passion, you will feel a sense of achievement and it increases your confidence level.

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