Anxiety disorders are much more common than you think. According to 2017 data, about 19 % of the Indian population is suffering from anxiety disorders. This is a distinction between normal anxiety and gad.
It is more intense: you feel stressed in some situations is fine, but if that makes you more troublesome and even in a normal situation, you feel uncomfortable then it may be a one Signs of GAD. It is more serious than normal worries and longer.
You will be stressed about everything: Stress is a major element of anxiety, which we experience when dealing with a complex situation. But if your anxiety is activated without any stimulating situation and you are worried about everything at all times, you need to seek help.
You do not control your anxiety: People have different tricks to calm down like deep breathing or listening to music. However, when gads can be difficult to relax, soothe your mind and spend time for worries.