While waiting for the perfect moment to be happy can only come to a dozen, with the gloomy world we live in, however, do you know that you can really cheat your body to create more better hormones like endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin? This is a simple guide on keeping daily happiness, instead of waiting for that ‘Ahaa’ moment ….Endorphinsdorphin relieves pain, reduces stress and helps build a sense of love, joy and health in general. How can you create more endorphins? The mood, improving sleep, along with help with appetite, sleep and digestion. How can you create more serotonin? daily habits.
Oxytocinoxytocin is called love hormone, and is responsible for the warm/faint feeling that we have when being with a loved one. How to create more oxytocin? Connect the brain, and take responsibility for the reward and recognition. How to create more dopamine? To create this hormone, people should listen to optimistic music, eat plenty of protein, exercise, sleep well
Take a hobby: it may be whatever you care about, or something you build your attention. Try something simple like first, say a ceramic layer and turn to a bigger commitment later.
Keep connecting with friends and family: Pick up the phone and call that friend to talk. Keep connecting with our friends and family to keep our alertness, and help us solve our daily life problems. Core with delicious food: Sure, pizza and chocolate have a great taste, but only once. Keep cheating meals aside, nourishing your body with simple dishes, Hmmade, providing a lot of nutrients. Eat fresh and local as much as possible and keep yourself in water.