Test Your Attention to Detail: Find the Lost Glasses in an Optical Illusion Picture |

The idea behind the search puzzle is to locate an object hidden in a picture within a certain period of time. It will be helpful to increase your attention and concentration by doing this exercise. These puzzles are loved by both children and adults and are a great way to improve cognitive abilities such as visual perception and attention to detail. You will be given an image to work with in this activity and your task is to identify the hidden item. This is a simple and quick method to evaluate your attention to detail. Are you ready to test your observation abilities? The image shared at the top shows the school scene with the students and their teachers visible. It seems that students have little interest in learning. A pair of glasses went missing in the middle of a lesson. Can you locate it in six seconds? This will be a great opportunity to test your eyesight. This is the beginning of your time! Take a close look at the picture. Have you found a set of eyeglasses yet? Look closely; it can hide anywhere in the image. The clock is ticking, so move quickly.

Also…Time is running out. End your search now. By now, the most perceptive readers may have noticed the glasses in the classroom.

Best wishes! You are the best at observing. For those who cannot find the answer, the solution is provided below.

The answer to this optical illusion:

Did you find your lost glasses in six seconds? You can see the glasses below the boy’s desk in the classroom where he is throwing a paper airplane.

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