Stressed amid the pandemic? Friends, support groups and professionals can help, say experts

The last two months of the course brought with him a long period of completely isolated social isolated. Anxiety for Covid-19 and other uncertainties at the highest level of all time, while the access to therapy is limited. As a result, a lot of people – and especially those with current mental status – are struggling to deal with highly depressed symptoms, almost without any form of physical support. . Health during this time?

‘There is a great increase in cases of depression and anxiety during the locking process’

The number of people looking for therapy in India has increased by 20-30 % while locking a few months. This time is still worse for people with mental health before, because their symptoms and problems are being amplified with fear, uncertainty and news. Negative is increasing, psychologist based in Mumbai, Nyamat Chadha. Patients worried and OCD, especially, have been greatly affected.

Source: MPower Mind

Loneliness, anxiety, sleep disorders: Side effects of the lock

Psychiatric consultant is based in Nagpur, Dr. Abhishek Manmarde, who has been appointed by the Maharashtra government to advise people in isolation, saying, many factors have contributed to the increase. of mental health problems during the course, including losing wages, uncertainty about career, uncertainty around the pandemic. In addition, the sense of sin is a potential person CoronavirusIf they are infected. They cannot remove or discuss their fear with anyone, except for calls. Studies have shown that isolation exceeding three weeks capable of activating mental health problemsHarish Iyer

Harish Iyer

Counterfinder skills to help in these times:

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– Determine and acknowledge what you are experiencing:

The process becomes better starting with accepting a person’s condition, followed by it and seeking professional help, the psychologist of the Michelle Manasseh family.

– Try to have a structure for your day:

Studies show that an appropriate habit can help adjust the sleep cycle and also support mental health.

– Looking for professional help:

Get medical examination to eliminate any shortage. Also consult a therapist if the symptoms worsen.

– Access to your support group:

In isolation, people have faced anxiety and depression due to the lack of human interaction. Reducing their stress factors through listening and providing appropriate information can reduce such cases. I always encourage people to maintain social connections, Dr. Abhishek Manmarde, a psychiatrist.

– Realize what makes you happy/motivated:

Enjoy the activities you like, and identify a habit will help you be motivated.

– Self -asserting is important:

Focus on your positive qualities and goals can go a long way to help overcome anxiety.Body image 2

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