Stopping running! Take a break

Recent Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan shared about suffering from a disease called Vestibular Insufficiency, which he suddenly stopped working while filming. Expressing his struggle post-pandemic and how he tried too hard, Varun said, “We are just running in this race, no one asks why. I think the reason why is that we all There’s a bigger purpose here.” Medical experts say one of the causes of this condition is stress and anxiety. When someone is under extreme stress, the body will give you signs that something is wrong. In case of this disease, one may feel dizzy frequently, which can push your stress levels higher. Dr Aditi Sinha, Consultant ENT Specialist, said: “Regular dizziness can cause anxiety and add to your constant stress levels. But if not taken seriously, you will become more stressed. stress and anxiety, symptoms will appear more often than before, causing a vicious cycle.” and head and neck surgeon. In a changing work environment, with the need for greater productivity and the race to make up for lost time, professionals in various fields are now experiencing more stress and anxiety than before the era. pandemic.

Constant pressure to do more!

Organizational consultant Tania Shah has seen an increase in complaints with common concerns such as job dissatisfaction, stagnant pay, burnout, unsustainable workloads and employers Lack of sympathy and insensitivity. “Most of my clients complain about undivided workloads and too much pressure to complete work. Although burnout is a common phenomenon in the context of the pandemic, after the pandemic, the This situation has increased as professionals overextend themselves to prove their worth and make up for lost time, says organizational consultant Tania Shah gender has created panic among young employees about their ability to work effective and appropriate”. According to The Microsoft According to the 2022 Employment Trends Index, 43% of people globally want to quit their jobs because of unsustainable workloads. Consultants confirm that the growing hustle culture is putting individuals in a difficult position. “The professional culture of working long hours, exceeding core responsibilities, micromanaging a hybrid work culture, refusing flexible working hours must stop. The rise of hustle culture is creating assumes that the only value we humans have is our productivity.” more than our humanity,” says Therapist T Rajas. From IT, Corporate to Entertainment and Sports, the pressure to do more is increasing. Post-pandemic TV actress Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2′ Shubhaavi Choksey famously had a lot of work to do, filming with erratic timings, filming many episodes in advance and no breaks, which really appealed to her “Being a part of a soap day, we work a lot hours and sometimes have to push yourself to complete your commitments. Stress and difficult situations are inevitable.” A similar experience forced IT Professional Dhruvi Parekh to quit his busy job. Dhruvi shares: “I was doing the job assigned by my boss along with the work of the old employees and there was no appreciation. I hated going to the office.”

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The hustle and bustle culture has caused large numbers of people to give up. The trend of ‘Completely Giving Up’ is the most apt example that describes the consequences of hustle culture. “Popularized by a 24-year-old engineer from New York, Quiet Quiet is not about quitting your job completely but about giving up on the idea of ​​going above and beyond. You’re still doing your job, But you no longer accept the hustle and bustle of the cultural mentality that work should be your life.” Factors such as security, stability, physical and mental health are all affected by hustle culture. Dhruvi realized this only after quitting her job. “Going to the office is a nightmare. 60% of my day is taken up by work. It affects my sleep cycle, eating habits and my personal relationship with my partner. I don’t have time to do anything else and you’re to blame.” because this is me. I let it take over my life. But the day I quit my job, my shoulders and head felt lighter, I felt relaxed from inside and I don’t think I will get rid of that feeling now,” Dhruvi shared. . Shubhaavi also stood up and decided I plan to switch off every time I pack up. “I make sure I stop my work after finishing my workout,” says Shubhaavi my daily routine”.

Take it one day at a time!

Slowing down is probably the mantra we all need to think about. There is nothing higher in this world than humanity and each of us needs to understand that and also help those around us understand that. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Setting realistic goals is the first step toward healing and positivity. Don’t force yourself to commit to doing multiple things at once.
  2. Plan and manage your time smartly. Divide your work evenly throughout the day by giving yourself enough breaks to eat, shower, clean, or even take a nap.
  3. Focus on quality over quantity because success is not determined by the number of hours you have worked. Take your time and give your 100%.
  4. Reduce clutter and simplify your life. Get rid of things that don’t bring joy to your life.
  5. Don’t merge your work and personal life. Always remember that work only accounts for 10% of your life, don’t let it increase.
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(Therapist input T Rajas)A nightmare for healthcare professionals The second wave is like a storm that brings an indescribable feeling of helplessness. Never before have doctors had to watch patients die in their arms due to lack of basic resources like oxygen, medicine, and ICU beds. Dr. Trupti said: “Many consecutive sleepless nights merged into one big blur with images of dead patients and the sleepy faces of children waiting for us to return. But every successful case motivates me to continue striving,” said Dr. Trupti. Gilada, Consultant Physician, Infectious Diseases.According to a recent report by ITProPortal, 80% of cybersecurity workers said they are facing more stress than before the pandemic. And all this stress is leading to exhaustion. 65% of respondents are considering a career change outside of cybersecurity. What is vestibular impairment? The vestibular system is part of the inner ear and works in conjunction with the brain, eyes and muscles to help us maintain balance. Dr. Trupti Gilada said that if the cells in the inner ear are damaged/faulty, people will suffer from vestibular dysfunction disorder.

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