Start dealing with negative emotions: The beauty of distress tolerance

Occasionally we encounter a problem that is beyond our control. It’s easy to think, “This isn’t fair” or “I shouldn’t have this problem,” even though those ways of thinking only make the pain worse. There is a healthier way of thinking in these situations. Instead of focusing on how we want something different, we will recognize and accept the problem or situation as it is. Remember, acceptance does not mean liking or disdaining something. Learning to simply accept problems that are beyond our capabilities. Control will cause less anxiety, anger, and sadness when dealing with them. For example, you find out that you weren’t selected for a job for which you felt you were the best candidate. At this point, it’s easy to think “This isn’t fair -I did everything right! I’m the best there is. They can’t do this to me.” Meanwhile, when we accept the problem, we may have other ways of thinking, such as “It’s disappointing that I didn’t get the job, but I accept that they feel someone else would be a better fit.” much”. One of the ways we can calm our negative emotions is to find a fun way to engage each of our five senses.* Choose where to go for a walk It’s beautiful and focuses on the scenery.* Listen to something enjoyable like music or nature.* Take a warm bath or massage.* Have a treat — no’ need to have a full meal .* Find some flowers or spray your perfume or cologne want. We don’t realize it, but negative feelings often pass or at least lessen in intensity over time. It’s often valuable to distract yourself until your emotions subside. Another method that can be used to remind yourself of this idea is to follow these steps: -rent First, engage in activities that require thought and concentration. This could be a hobby, a project, work or school. • Second, focus on someone or something other than yourself. You can volunteer, do an honest deed, or do anything that contributes to a cause or person. • Third, compare your situation to something worse. Think back to a time when you were in more pain or when someone was browsing for something more difficult. • Fourth, do something that will create competitive feelings. Feeling sad? Watch a funny movie. Feeling worried? Listen to some soothing music. • Next, eliminate negative thoughts by pushing them out of your mind. Imagine writing your problems down on a piece of paper, refusing to believe everything until times are much better. Some irrelevant and unrealistic worries are finding a place in our minds. Once we identify the worries, let’s look at each actual worry and find solutions to them. Remember that apart from the worry period, the rest of the day is our worry time zone, any thoughts or worries that come into our mind in the worry free zone just have to be dealt with. during times of anxiety. While we try to apply the above ways Regarding handling, it will be difficult at first, we will have to make a conscious effort to process and use them. Remember that the first step is never easy to take, but once it comes to your belief system it will soon become automatic. Finally, I would just like to add that these techniques bring us one step closer to a clear mind, where we will be able to make constructive choices and cope effectively , this will help control our emotions until we can resolve the problem. Article written by Mansi Sharma, Senior Psychologist, Rehabilitation Psychologist & Psychotherapist

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