Spot the hidden letter among Xs and Ks in 11 seconds

Can you solve complex optical illusions? For noninverters, optical illusions are images or images that we perceive as different from reality. They use color, light, and patterns to create images that can trick or trick our brains. The following optical illusion is an illusion with confusing patterns to challenge your perception and processing abilities. In this picture, there are many letters K and X. Your task is to find the third alphabet hidden in this sequence of K and X.2Another interesting challenge here is that you are limited in time. You only have 11 seconds to solve this problem. Are you ready? A suggestion here is to solve this problem in time to find the alphabet gliding through each row or column, instead of searching for sub-alphabets at random. There are 5 rows of letter ‘X’ and 3 rows of letter ‘K’. To find the hidden letter within 11 seconds, you need to quickly look at all the rows and columns. Are you ready? Let’s begin! 11..10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1…time out! Congratulations to everyone who Additional alphabets can be found in due time. For those who can’t find it, here is the solution below. Find the hidden letter: Solution For all those who couldn’t find the other letter, the solution is the letter ‘Y’. It is placed in the middle right – 4th row and 13th column between the Xs. It is also highlighted in the image below.3By practicing more and more such optical illusions, you can increase your chances of figuring out the task within a certain time. The basic idea is to improve your observation skills. Here are such stories that you can try!

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