(Image source: Freshers live) Do you want to test your observation skills? Well, this is a fun challenge to try. Shared below is an adorable and colorful image of a dolphin in the ocean as well as its close resemblance. The two photos seem completely identical. However, there are some slight differences between these two and your challenge is to identify them.Are you ready? You can also share this challenge with your friends or family members to solve it together or compete against each other and see who wins! The secret to solving such challenges is to divide the image into different parts and then scrutinize each part of both images at the same time. Before you start, you must know that you only have 10 seconds to spot the three differences. Your time starts now!10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..time out!How many points did you find distinctive? If you find all three then you have incredible observation skills. If you can find 2, then you have very high concentration and focus. If you find just one difference then you are at the beginning and will get better with more practice. Now is the time for the final solution. Let’s spot the difference challenge: Solution The image below highlights all three differences between the two images.
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