Spot the champagne glasses that do not match the others: You have 10 seconds!

While the internet is filled with various illusions that captivate netizens, there is one that is truly astonishing. This optical illusion causes attentional blindness or inattentive blindness, a phenomenon in which individuals fail to see a stimulus due to their diverted attention. In this optical illusion, you can observe many glasses of wine. However, one pair stands out above all the rest. Your task is to identify that unique pair within 10 seconds. Are you ready? Ready, set, go! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one! Stop! Did you spot the strange glasses in this illusion? If yes, congratulations! You have the eyes of a hawk. If not, don’t worry; We have prepared the solution for you. The odd pair of glasses is the second set of glasses from the extreme right. We have circled the solution in the picture for you:

(Source: The Sun)

So are wine glasses easy to identify? If yes, you can explore more puzzles on our website to challenge your mind. Solving puzzles quickly comes with practice. Attentional blindness occurs when a reader fails to notice a clear and significant stimulus because their attention is focused on something else. The challenge here is to identify champagne glasses that don’t match other similar looking glasses. Greater focus is needed here, making sure not to ignore differences. Illusions are designed so that the stimulus is often hidden from the viewer’s attention, partly because of the hidden elements behind it.

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