In the month, every year, more and more people we know are suffering from mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, depression and many other diseases. Have you ever stopped to wonder why? “One of the main reasons we are hearing more about it is because of the discrimination surrounding mental health is gradually decreasing. In the previous generations, called ‘Mental’ is a problem Seriously obstructing the ability to get married, or keeping a stable job, etc. Unfortunately, some discrimination has decreased, but there are miles to go before the population is generally comfortable when looking for help for help support for joint pain, their blood pressure, their blood pressure, or their diabetes because they should talk about their depression, “Dr. Prerna Kohli said. The first is inherited and the second is the environment. Some common genetic mental health disorders are depression, affecting about 10 % of the population, ADHD, autism and schizophrenia “which is a disease that weakens the ability to think and feel. And the coherent behavior of an individual. Although the specific cause of the schizophrenia is not known, the combination of genetics, circumstances and brain chemistry is revised as a cause. schizophrenia is often not in touch with reality. In fact, PTSD may include more. According to a simpler lifestyle, more regiment and help from a trained and experienced psychologist, when we feel that we can search.