Quiz: Guess who snuck out of the house at night?

This brain teaser is designed as a way to evaluate your level of intelligence. In the picture you can see two little girls and one little boy lying on the bed. The man is awake while the woman is sleeping. However, one of them sneaked out of the house at night. Who snuck out of the house is the quiz’s provocative question, challenging viewers to identify the offender. Before answering this riddle, you must look carefully at the image because the solution is not as clear as you think. Make sure you don’t scroll too far and cheat because the answer to this tricky question is right below the question. Let’s take a closer look at the bedroom image. The girl in the left bed was dozing on the blanket, her clothes scattered all over the bed and floor. The boy in the middle bunk is crouched and alert. The girl in the bed on the right is resting her head in a sound sleep. However, she is still wearing shoes.

Here are the answers to this test:

ine - 2023-04-05T001158.577The girl in the bed on the right sneaks into the bed at night while wearing unclean shoes, which is the solution to this intelligence test. The person sneaking in the photo can only be identified by Detective Brains within 15 seconds! This mind game is just a more fun IQ test. However, the best technique to determine your IQ level is to take a formal IQ test. So tell us, in this IQ quiz, can you spot the person who stole things from the house?

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