Puzzles: Challenge: Only someone with common sense can identify the father of the baby in under 5 seconds – Times of India |

In everyday life, there are many situations where you have to better demonstrate your mental abilities. Just having general knowledge is not enough, you need to have a knack for solving problems. Scientists and psychologists have conducted various experiments and discovered that puzzles are a great way to keep your brain sharp. Puzzles are great for challenging your mind because your brain loves unsolved mysteries and just feels relieved after solving it. Using your inherent analytical and logical thinking, you can solve these puzzles in the blink of an eye, but it takes a lot of practice. So here is one such quiz for you:find father

Source: BrightSide

In the photo there are four adults and a baby lying in his mother’s arms. Your job is to find this baby’s father in less than 5 seconds. Who could it be? Choose your answer carefully. Can you solve the puzzle? If not, don’t worry, we have the solution to this challenging puzzle. Solution: In general, children inherit certain characteristics from their parents, such as hair color or facial features. However, in this photo, we can only see that the baby’s eye color is blue-green. Who else in this photo has blue-green eyes? If you guessed third person then you are absolutely correct. Congratulations if you found the answer to this puzzle. You are truly a genius!BrightSide

(Source: BrightSide)

But if you can’t find the answer, don’t worry. As mentioned above, you can improve your analytical thinking skills by practicing these brain puzzles. Soon, you’ll be able to find the answer in less than 5 seconds. Until then, keep practicing!

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