The Indian government banned 118 Chinese applications, after withdrawing on 59 Chinese applications on June 29 and banned 47 more applications, only a month later, the application of applications was limited. In India. In the middle of the list of banned Chinese applications, the most controversial program is The Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), a very famous Battle Royale game in India. ABOVE Google Play Store and Apple App Store gradually accumulate a sect. The problem with PUBG while the application may have been banned in India on the grounds that national security theft and data theft, it should be noted that about 25 % of the world’s PUBG players belong to India. Infact, nearly 50 million PUBG players operating in India and the application has been downloaded more than 175 million times in the summer. The extremely famous Battle Royale game is also the news due to the addictive nature and its impact on the mental state of a gamer. Online games many players simply follow the model of many players collecting automatic guns in a random position and killing 99 other players to win the match. The approach is very simple, it is a winner, all, killing Royale. This simple and easy nature of the game has created PUBG addiction in different age groups in India. Originally, there have been some worrying reports on injury, suicide and murder through the direct or indirect participation of PUBG game. Stories about scary PUBG addiction … According to the report, a gymnast from Jammu was taken to the hospital after PUBG addiction made him partly losing his mental balance. The very addictive nature of the game has been brought more light when a teenager in Punjab was reported to spend 16 lakhs from his parents’ bank account to buy gears and upgrade his character in the game. play. Yes, 16 lakhs. These incidents are a terrifying reminder of the fact that addiction to digital activities and/or video playing has been officially defined as gaming disorders. What happens now? The increasing popularity of PUBG has also paved the way for a number of professional mobile game tournaments, creating a professional gaming industry in India. Although professional gamers will now have to think about switching to another Battle Royale game, the most important thing is to gently guide and pay attention to the mental state of the gamers in the habit in the light. The morning of the PUBG ban. The sudden ban on online games can lead to a strong change in the behavior and mood of gaming addicts. They may be depressed, stimulated and even aggressive and may be impaired in different areas in their lives. For many people, their day begins and ends on PCs and their smartphones, spending more than ten hours a day playing Battle Royale. This sudden change in their habits need to be carefully monitored by parents, guardians and other family members. They should also note that if gamers are displaying any signs of awareness Gaming disorders.A gaming disorder on each world health organization, gaming disorders are defined as a model of gaming behavior (digital game or video game) is characterized by testing Control weakened for gaming, increase priority for gaming compared to other activities for activities so that the game level is prioritized than other daily interests and activities, and continue. Or escalate the gaming ladder despite the negative consequences. According to the health agency, there are five warning signs that you are suffering from gaming disorders. They are: 1. Game plays a dominant activity of your life begins to revolve around specific games and you can think of previous games or predict your next game. 2. Control the play time no matter how you try, you cannot pause your gaming time. 3. While playing games, despite having a negative incident even if you understand that playing games is devastating your quality of life, you continue to play the game. 4. Losing benefits in previous interests and entertainment due to results, and except for video games. 5. The symptoms of withdrawing you are stimulated, worried, sad or even depressed if you are not allowed to play the game. Whoever says that for the diagnostic gaming disorders, the behavioral model must be sufficient to lead to significant decline in individuals, families, society, education, occupation or important fields. The other of the activity and normally will be clearly shown for at least 12 months.PUBG Addict? Help here … It is important to understand that gaming disorders have been officially recognized as a disease and if you need help to overcome addiction, closer help you think. Like in the case of any other type of addiction, access to a therapist or a mental health adviser will help you replace the addictive thoughts about games and teach you slowly limits. Your game time. You can start with reducing the time you spend the game and you can place the alarm and timer if they help. If you feel extremely excited and worried about the PUBG board, it is important for you to seek professional help as soon as possible to help you navigate these testing time smoothly.