The lock is a time trying. Adults worried about their livelihoods and health and children had to deal with life in the limits of four walls. This is when the storytelling groups and poetry come to rescue us, providing a ray of hope. Helps reduce anxiety, these sessions even become more suitable now. Such a person, is the online session of Kyoumar Freeman born in Iran about memorizing Rumi and Hafiz through their works and works. Since SUFISM is all about connecting with a person and dealing with an intangible way of life, the lines have become more suitable now. And, they wrote these lines in a difficult period, so the attendees were connected to that feeling, Kyoumar, who had sessions that attracted a large number of participants. Ekta Singh, who conducted electronic collectives to review and discuss the work of long -standing philosophers, added, somehow they have knowledge of awkward situations. At the new age and that is how their work continues to inspire and imbued with hope between people. People ask a lot of philosophical questions including ‘Where is love standing in these difficult times?’ In fact, we had sessions that lasted beyond the time limit, because the attendees wanted to discuss more, Ekta.strong Tu wrote not only listening, but writing poetry seems to have the same influence. For everyone. I need motivation during the lock. Therefore, I gave myself the task of writing a small daily sentence. The fact that others involved in it and gave me feedback, made me write more and it was still a habit, sharing Techie Aditi Ganesh technician 30 years old. Betilda Jhansi, nineteen years old always used to write as a coping mechanism and even more. Introduced to my city poetry club, my voice, helped her a lot. She shared, because a extrovert like me, imprisoned at home caused disappointment and anxiety. Poetry gave me confidence to share my work on a public forum and out of my comfort area. . In therapy, we use the text to help customers solve their unsolved problems and compress emotions. In the current scenario, the text helps people reduce hiding anxiety motivated by the uncertainty of life. Write help people channel their emotions and imagine their feelings. This is the best way to take care of herself to check our emotions and thoughts, she explained. – With the inputs from Sitara Suresh nikol