Personality test: Your sleeping position reveals hidden traits

(Source: freepik/Sleeping position) Have you ever considered how you sleep? Well, now you will. A recent study published in the European Journal of Personality delved into the link between sleeping position and personality traits. Research shows that our sleeping position is not only determined by genetics but is also influenced by our daily lifestyle. Sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell conducted various experiments to explore the relationship between sleeping position and personality traits. Increasing knowledge about sleep patterns suggests that sleep patterns can reveal who we truly are, including our private personality traits. For example, people who sleep on their backs tend to be confident and self-assured, while people who sleep on their stomachs are often considered more emotionally strong. While there are many tests available to determine personality type, traits, and habits, what happens? What’s different about this test is that it doesn’t assign anything to participants before or after the test. It simply observes and records how people sleep. This can be a fun way to discover more about yourself! Fetal Sleeping Position If you sleep curled up like a baby, you may appear tough to the world on the outside but be introverted and crave the protection and nurturing of your partner on the inside. Sleeping in this position shows vulnerability and a tendency to disconnect from waking life problems. You feel most comfortable when surrounded by family members, as they are your protectors. Crowds make you nervous and you think you’re the only one. However, public speaking can make you self-conscious due to these expectations. Side sleeping position If you sleep on your side, chances are you are easy-going and can talk to anyone. However, you also tend to trust people immediately, making you easily persuaded. Sleeping on your side shows you have a balanced approach to decision making. You consider every aspect and make the final decision, albeit at a slower pace initially. Free Fall Sleeping Position If you feel like you are falling from the sky while sleeping, it shows that you are a fun-loving person. Chris Idzikowski describes people with this sleeping position as sociable butterflies who are always ready for adventure. You don’t like feeling undervalued, and when someone asks for something, you can make yourself unapproachable, causing them to try to convince you that you’re the only one who can help. Back Sleeping PositionIf you sleep on your back, chances are you are that way. Very confident and confronts life. You avoid conflict and stay out of trouble unless the situation requires otherwise. You tend to be quiet but will speak up when necessary. You appreciate order and structure, leading to high expectations from both yourself and others. You rarely react impulsively and like to think before speaking. These traits also motivate you to pursue and stick to your goals. Starfish sleeping position If you sleep like a starfish, with your arms and legs spread out, it shows that you value friendship and relationships. You try to be a good friend, actively listening to others. You sympathize with the pain of others and provide a shoulder to lean on when needed. Sleeping position on your stomach Lying on your stomach not only shows that you are a straightforward person but also shows your liberal personality. However, you must also handle harsh criticism constructively. If you sleep on your stomach, it shows that you are a happy, playful and open person. You try to manage everything, even though it may not be realistic, which can set you up for failure. However, you still maintain an optimistic outlook and always focus on the positive side of adversity. You have impulsive habits, insecurity and self-doubt, which can hinder your progress, but they also act as a shield to hide negative emotions such as anger.

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