Personality Test: What you see reveals if you’re disciplined and punctual or love freedom and adventure |

Optical illusions, puzzles and other tricky riddles are not only interesting entertainment, but can also impart knowledge about the workings of the human brain. Some go as far as determining what type of personality you have because they often rely on the quick judgments your brain makes about you. It can reveal the brain’s instinctive biases and can provide insight into your personality, as our brains make quick judgments based on available information . It can also highlight some of your potential blind spots. The original creator of this optical illusion on TikTok is content creator Mia Yilin, who is famous for her interpretive illusions. Depending on what you observe first, you can determine whether you are a well-organized person who values ​​timeliness or whether you value freedom above following established rules. Have you seen the gummy bears? As Mia says in her video, “if you saw the gummy bears first, then you are a very organized and punctual person.” You try to make the most of your time and value productivity.”

You’ve seen the grapes. On the other hand, the person who sees the grapes first “finds peace with nature and prioritizes quality over quantity when it comes to relationships. If you see the grapes first, you” crave to be adventurous and free.”

Since both images are contained within a larger image, this type of optical illusion is called a literal illusion and is said to be the most basic type. While optical illusions literally compress two images together to convey information about your perception, cognitive and physiological illusions rely on overstimulation and conflicting information to create the illusion. image.

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