Fisting is usually done to punch something or someone, but it can also be done to show off your personality. Similar to how your lips, nails, and even the shape of your nails convey information about you to those who see you. The way you hold your fist also reveals your personality traits. Find the image below that most closely resembles your fist after creating one to see what it says about your personality. Your fist style says this: Fist with an open heartIf the way you make a fist is to curl your fist and place your thumb on your index finger, then you are a very kind and giving person. Unfortunately, you have been taken advantage of throughout your life because you are so kind and selfless. When someone takes advantage of your openness for their own purposes, remember the lesson and move on. This will be easy because you are a natural learner and enjoy learning new things and experiencing new places. Creator holding hands
You’re a really imaginative person if holding hands involves a lot of your thumbs. Although you have a high sense of self-worth, you also worry about failure. You are loved and sought after, so taking chances will benefit you, especially when it comes to others. You are extroverted and your friends admire you for your intelligence and straightforwardness. Holding hands seductively
You are a very funny, charming person and people are attracted to you. If you cover your thumb by placing your fingers on it while in fist mode, you have a Zen-like attitude that no one can disturb. You really feel bad for other people and their situations and must try not to let their problems drag you down. You value harmony in all things, valuing beauty and art.