Personality Test: The Way You Cross Your Thumb Reveals If You Are Logical or Emotional

Put your hands together – which thumb is on? Is your right thumb on top of your left thumb or is your left thumb on top of your right thumb? Thumb position will reveal whether you are a logical or emotional person.

What does your crossed arms reveal about you? When you clasp your hands, is your right thumb on top of your left or vice versa? This simple gesture can open up interesting insights into your personality. Many neuroscientists have speculated a link between hand clenching and brain dominance.

Personality test: Ring finger reveals your hidden personality traits

Are you a logical problem solver with a sharp, practical, analytical mind or a creative, intuitive thinker guided by emotions? Your right thumb on top may indicate left brain dominance while your left thumb on top may indicate right brain dominance. Join us in discovering the hidden traits that make you unique based on the way you clasp your hands with this trending personality test!

What does crossed thumbs reveal about your personality?

Before we begin, SHARE this engaging Thumb-based Personality Test with your friends and family so they can also discover their Thumb-based personality traits.

#1 Right thumb over left thumb Personality trait

Right thumbs up for top personality traits

If your right thumb lies on top of your left thumb when you clasp your hands, your personality trait indicates that you are highly logical. You are the calm, level-headed person in the group. Your logical thinking is your superpower. You approach situations like a seasoned strategist, carefully weighing the facts and making precise moves. Many people may mistake your quietly observant nature for coldness. But you know that you should take the time to consider every angle before jumping into anything.

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Your curiosity knows no bounds – you’re always eager to explore new ideas and gain new knowledge. Your mind is like a treasure trove of interesting facts, making you a great conversationalist who can chat about anything and everything. And while you are logical, you also know how to have fun! Your sharp humor and quick wit can light up any room, making even the most boring situations interesting.

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#2 Left thumb on right thumb Personality trait

Left thumb on top personality traits

If your left thumb lies on top of your right thumb when you clasp your hands, your personality traits indicate that you may be an emotional person. You may be very emotionally intelligent. You are someone who truly feels deeply and receives the subtle energies around you. You can instantly make people feel comfortable and understood. You can be kind, empathetic, and always willing to help.

You have the incredible ability to sense emotions and vibes like human radar, causing others to naturally gravitate towards you. You have an uncanny ability to notice the smallest details – unsaid things, shifts in people’s energy, silent signs that others miss. It’s like you have a superpower that makes you hyper-aware of everything and everyone around you.

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Personality tests provide general insights or hidden traits for entertainment and self-reflection purposes only.

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