People with an average IQ “fall out” when they see this optical illusion. Only 6% manage to find all the hidden faces.

Sometimes, when pursuing a better life, we forget the most important thing for a person is health. And it’s not just about physical exercises, by the way, this sport is already very popular among our people: almost half of the country participates in sports regularly.

I want to draw attention to the state of our brain. A large number of external irritants, meaningless posts on social media, an endless stream of news – all this clouds our minds.

As a result, more and more people begin to lose concentration, forget names, and have difficulty orienting themselves in space. All of the above symptoms are early signs of brain aging.

Recommendations for avoiding this early disease are quite simple. It is important to monitor your sleep, maintain a healthy diet and not forget about physical exercises.

By the way, in France they have long come up with special images called optical illusions. These images allow testing of your attention, thinking, and vision.

Today, I recommend taking one of such tests, but keep in mind that decoding images may not be within everyone’s capabilities. In this image, you need to find 5 faces. Remember that the task may be difficult and solving it may take longer than regular tests.

Guys, remember to share your results in the comments: were you able to solve all the tasks?

Photos from open sources on Yandex are property of their respective authors.

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