People turn to mindful tasks and counsellors for mental wellbeing

With a lot of time in hand after many years, you will expect Pavithra Ramachandran, a chennai resident, see the course as a welcome break from her crazy schedule. But instead of enjoying all this free time, the marketing expert and mother of the two people are constantly afraid of her professional future and feel limited in the 24/7 house is quite stuffy. Not alone. There are many people like her unable to deal with this sudden change in their habits and lifestyles. Shraddha Vora, a mumbai -based consultant, said, we are seeing a sudden increase in anxiety, panic, fear of losing their loved ones and also afraid of getting sick or hypersensitivity to millions. Common evidence in people who have had concerns about mental health. I received at least three to four calls a day and I made video consulting sessions with them. is part of our network. We receive at least 50 calls per day from different regions of the country. We have also set up another support line for parents with special needs. Some people like Pavithra are moving to practice as mindfulness to keep stress. For example, while having her morning Cuppa coffee, she tried to be aware of every sip. She tried to be in the moment. That is what you call mindfulness, Abirambika Ravivarman, a coach of life from Chunai, who helped individuals overcome emotional and mental tensions when isolated. Mindfulness. Mindfulness can be applied in the various tasks you do every day. So, in a period of 21 days, the idea is to make the whole day of an attention, she explains. She also started writing a reflection diary for young people and teenagers from April 1, an artist and teacher Zentangle from Mumbai, saying, I made free online classes during this course. . Zentangle is a mindful art; It involves intentional features. It helps you turn off your mind from everything else around you. At least 15 minutes Zentangle per day can be very helpful to relax your mind at times like this. How to practice effectively

  • Slow down
  • Focus on one thing at a time
  • Practice is calm
  • Only use social media for a fixed time
  • Meditation for at least 5 minutes
  • Conscious about what you eat
  • Pay attention to details
  • Practice gratitude
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PIC: Getty image

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