Optical Illusion: You have amazing skills if you can find 3 differences in just 10 seconds!

Let’s play the game “Find the differences” with two almost identical pictures. Your task is to find three subtle differences between them. It is a brain and eye exercise that helps increase concentration and mental alertness. Fun fact: You only have 15 seconds to spot the difference! This game is for smart people who love puzzles and challenges. In the photos, there is a breakfast table with pancakes, eggs, berries, black coffee and orange slices. So, grab a pen and paper and start looking for differences. Studies show that brain games improve concentration and memory. How many differences did you find? Congratulations if you discovered all three! If not, don’t worry, here is the answer:solution

Source: BrightSide

1. The size of the omelet is different. In the first photo, it’s on top of the bread, and in the second photo, it’s spilling out.2. Look closely at the cherries near the cups and pancakes. There is a leaf in the second picture.3. Pay attention to the orange piece near the cup. In the first photo, there are two strawberries and one grape. In the second picture, there are three strawberries. So can you spot any of these differences? Can you spot the difference in less than 15 seconds? Well, congratulations, you really pay attention to details. But if you can’t, don’t lose heart and keep practicing these quizzes to improve your observation skills and you will gradually improve your time.

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