Optical illusion: What do you see first reveals if you are a good communicator or a keen observer |

This image is a popular optical illusion, where people can first notice the tree or two sides in the file. It is often used in personality tests to provide deep understanding of someone’s characteristics, such as communication skills or observation skills. The illusion that revealing personality characteristics is a unique blend of psychology and visual awareness. They forced to reflect, causing an individual to discover unknown aspects of his personality. Communication style and observation skills- complex psychological concepts- all become simple, interesting and accessible to people of all ages. They can activate talking, strengthen mutual understanding and help groups build themselves. In addition, they promote cognitive flexibility by forcing individuals to see a situation from many angles. Although not true assessments, such delusions become interesting and creative ways to discover personality traits while encouraging personal development in an unreliable way.

If you see the tree first:

Discovering the tree implies that you tend to focus on a larger picture. You may be a person, in your interactions and thoughts, bringing the highlights to ideas, mostly out of the box. That orientation makes you a strong observer, who can combine a lot of details to form a comprehensive understanding. Somewhere observed is a strength, communication between individuals may be a field you need to keep track of personal shades or personal motivation. Although they are not great communications, their attention comes to ensure that their inputs, when shared, are born from information thinking.

If you see the first face:

Seeing the first face often shows that you focus on people, emotions and relationships. This shows the trend of good details and human elements, making you understand others and their views. Individuals are often good communicators, because they are outstanding in connecting with others emotionally. Their strength lies in participating with others effectively and conveying their ideas clearly.

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If you notice your face first, then that means you have the ability to be innate to understand people better. A good communicator can listen to the expressions and tones of everyone as well as their emotions. Therefore, you have good communication skills and may be a communicator searching the right words to talk to your audience. This optical illusion provides self -reflection of interesting, teaching that both communication and observation are useful qualities that complement each other. Balancing such characteristics can lead to strengthening personal and professional relationships, making you navigate through difficult situations with insight and empathy.

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