Optical illusion: This silhouette of a running man can tell if your brain is of a male or a female

Optical illusions have always been popular because of the way they impact an individual’s perception and vision. From time to time, people create their own optical illusions to find out what it reveals about their inner self, their personality, and the way they perceive problems. One of the most common optical illusions is the illusion of a running man. This silhouette of the man is interpreted in two different ways.1. To some people, it looked like the man was running towards them2. To some, it seemed like the man was running away from them. How you see images says a lot about how your brain works.Read: WHAT you see first in this photo will determine what you feel insideThis image has been reported many times; Fact Factory has been quoted in several reports. If the man is running towards you According to initial reports, the brain that sees the man running towards them is the masculine brain. Such individuals are curious and quick learners. They solve problems using their analytical skills. They handle one task at a time and are the worst at multitasking.Read: The number of faces you find in this picture speaks to your observation skills; Find out if you are a keen observerFull of self-confidence, these people do not give up on ideas in which they firmly believe. Once they have a strong opinion about something, they will always support it with logical arguments. If the man is running away from you This means that your brain belongs to feminine in nature. These individuals rely on analytical and reasoning skills. These people have exceptional levels of creativity and are also very good at multitasking.Read: Can you find the fox hidden in this picture? It is called one of the most difficult optical illusionsYou can never question their memory; Once they see or hear something they will remember it forever. Are male and female brains different? Rosalind Franklin University neuroscientist Dr. Lise Eliot told a health magazine. Men’s and women’s brains are somewhat different, but the key finding is that these differences are due to brain size, not sex or gender. “Some of the most reliably differentiating features are quite small in scale,” Dr. Eliot says, adding that “The volume of the amygdala, an olive-sized part of the temporal lobe, is important for with socioemotional behaviors, is only greater than 1% in men across studies.”Read: How many faces do you see in this photo? Most people cannot find more than 4A 2016 study found that it is true that male brains and female brains exist. “Whenever the terms ‘female brain’ and ‘male brain’ are used, the intention must be functional, not morphological, qualitative and not quantitative. Functionally, the human brain Women and men are really different. Not better, not worse, not more than nothing: less complex, just different. Brain cells are different in chromosomes.

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