Optical illusion: This optical illusion reveals your tendency to crave drama – Times of India |

It all depends on what you see first in the photo if you don’t know that optical illusions can be used to determine personality traits. Everything is founded on perception. This clever visual trick can reveal whether you’re an overzealous people-pleaser or if you’re secretly enjoying a little drama. However, everything depends on what you notice first, so pay close attention. The illusion shows two different images at the same time. Image of a bright yellow sunflower with petals and seeds. Which one caught your attention first? The center of the flower also resembles a woman’s face when viewed from the side.

If you see the sunflower first

The illusion was posted on TikTok by Mia Yilin, who also explained its meaning. “If you are the person who sees the sunflower first, you hate conflict,” she said. You excel at controlling your emotions and showing empathy for others in difficult situations. So you may sometimes give in to the temptation to put others above yourself in an attempt to win their approval, even when doing so requires acting dishonestly. You place a high emphasis on the approval of others. People-pleasers are eager to receive praise and recognition from others. They often seek external approval to bolster their self-esteem and become self-conscious or upset when they believe they have disappointed or offended someone. They often have difficulty setting limits and have trouble saying “no.” They may go to great lengths to accommodate others’ requests even if it means sacrificing their own needs or ideals because they fear rejection or disagreement.

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If you see the woman first

If you’re one of those people seeing that lady for the first time, you can’t help but love the gossip and drama. Dramatic people are attracted to extreme emotions and situations. They may actively seek out situations that evoke strong reactions in both themselves and others because they thrive on intense emotions. In communication and communication, they often use lively expressions. They have a talent for expressing their feelings and ideas through gestures, expressive facial expressions, and strong language in a dramatic and engaging way. You enjoy witnessing a fight, as long as it doesn’t involve you, and you enjoy listening. interesting conversations, according to Mia. But, she adds, you also give great advice and are willing to put aside your personal problems to support others. However, knowing everyone’s secrets can sometimes get boring.

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