Optical illusion: Spot the hidden number ‘8’ in under 10 seconds

Optical illusions can often deceive us, making us perceive something that is not really there. It’s as if our minds are constantly making predictions that aren’t always accurate. Experts say that only 1% of people can identify the hidden number ‘8’ in this image. Let’s find out if you belong to that one percent. Amidst the hustle and bustle of a vibrant, colorful town, countless numbers hide here and there. So when we are asked to find the number ‘8,’ we may be confused because we can’t seem to find it anywhere. But wait, we will give you some time to find the number ‘8’ in this image. Your countdown starts now! Go! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one! Time’s up! Can you identify the hidden number in this image? If you are successful, congratulations! You possess really keen observation skills. However, if you don’t find it, don’t worry; we will help you. Below is an image with the number ‘8’ surrounded:Oh

(Source: FreshersLive)

These tricky puzzles are based on the concept that our brains often only see what they expect to see. This phenomenon is called cognitive resonance. So when looking at images of cityscapes, your mind tends to ignore the hidden figure, somewhat blending into the scene. Do you find this puzzle difficult? Want more? Explore additional quizzes on our site and remember to practice because practice makes perfect. Until then, enjoy the mysteries unraveling!

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See also  Optical Illusion: Can you find a ring in this picture?

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