Optical Illusion: Personality test shows if you have a sense of humor or value justice |

This is a fun and colorful personality test that can reveal insights about your personality. It can also reveal specifics about your values, such as whether you focus more on social justice or the power of joy, laughter, and making this world a happy or not. To take this quiz, all you need to do is glance at this image and note which one you see first – a duck or a rabbit.duck

(Image source: TikTok @mia_yilin/ ExpressUK)

The photo was shared on social networks by optical illusion expert Mia Yilin. This is what you see first that reveals about your personality. DuckIf you saw a duck first then you have a strong sense of social justice. You believe in rights, obligations and responsibilities. You appreciate people who do good deeds without hoping for something in return. Mia says, “You always speak up for what is right and will maintain mortality in any situation.” You can also read people’s body language and identify those with negative or dishonest emotions. Mia explains, “You are highly detail-oriented and nothing can pass without you realizing it. This is why you can easily detect when people are lying or doing things behind your back.”duckRabbitIf you see the rabbit first then you are probably the funniest person in the room. You like to make people laugh and lighten the mood. Mia said, “You have an impeccable sense of humor. Your answers are always timely and extremely witty. You never fail to light up any room you enter and everyone enjoys being around you. It’s important to adjust your humor when the situation is formal or serious. Mia explains, “You often use humor as a shield to protect yourself from confronting past hurts and darker emotions because you hate feeling vulnerable.”

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