This engaging puzzle requires thinking to solve and is the ultimate brain teaser. Brain puzzles make you think creatively and allow you to use your mental abilities. This brain test of finding errors in images in less than 10 seconds is one of the most popular ways to spend time exercising your mind. Among the many tricky riddles that have gone viral on social networks, can you solve this one? If you have a knack for puzzles and they don’t confuse you, you’ll be able to solve them faster than you think. This brain teaser will be an easy walk for those with superb observation skills. But before giving your answer, remember to look at the picture below with a hawk’s eye. You can use your observation and analytical reactions to detect errors in a given challenge. You can pat yourself on the back if you were able to spot the wrong word in the ‘You’ group. But if you can’t detect that, don’t look down on yourself at all. We have mentioned the answer to this tricky riddle below. But first, let’s review this puzzle. This puzzle will be easy to solve if you have extraordinary observation skills. If you’re still confused, there’s another image below that contains the answer to this puzzle. Solving visual puzzles can help you assess your level of acuity and observation. With a hawk’s eye, look at this tricky riddle, correctly determine the solution and quickly give the answer within the allotted time, i.e. 10 seconds. Well, time’s up! The answer to this conundrum is marked with a black ring in the image below:This error has been in front of your eyes the whole time. But don’t worry, you can test your ability to figure out more such things in brain teasers and improve your IQ by following more such stories here.