Optical illusion: Can you tell what’s making this boat fly?

You will be amazed by a fascinating optical illusion that is taking the social media world by storm. The viral image shows a boat on the water and was posted by Twitter user @Rainmaker1973. However, the boat appeared to be hurtling through the air when viewed from afar, creating a surreal scene that attracted the attention of countless people. Such optical tricks never fail to captivate and intrigue online viewers, leaving them wondering what other surprises the Internet might have in store. This amazing optical illusion has drawn a lot of interest on the microblogging platform since it was posted on July 24. The post attracted social media users and prompted heated discussions , attracting more than 56,000 views, 500 likes and countless comments. There is no doubt that the boat that appeared to be flying into the air went viral, attracting a large audience captivated by the breathtaking sight. Well, have you wondered what makes this boat fly? User @Rainmaker1973 shared the answer in the post’s caption. He wrote, “A false horizon created by a cloud of fog behind and around the boat is enough to create an optical illusion and a boat appears to be floating.” Even nature has the ability to deceive our vision! It’s interesting how this optical illusion works. It’s incredible how a bank of fog can create a false horizon and give the impression that the boat is drifting. Such illusions can easily deceive our eyes. Optical illusions take advantage of our constant effort to understand the world around us. They manipulate our perception and trick the way our brain interprets visual data.

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