Optical Illusion: A true rugby fan can spot the missing ball |

This is a visual test designed to assess your ability to spot details in a scene. With the ongoing Rugby World Cup ending on October 28, 2023, Instagram account “Betway Sport” created a teaser featuring fans cheering enthusiastically throughout the match. In this image, your challenge is to find a ball hidden among the audience. This image seems deceptive because all the fans are engrossed in playing the game and none of them seem to have a ball. Your task is to find the ball within 30 seconds. Can you do it? Okay, if you’re ready, your timer will start now! Go! 30… 20… 10… 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. Stop! So have you found the ball yet? If yes, congratulations! You have exceptional observation skills! However, if you can’t locate the ball in the photo, don’t worry; We’ve got you covered: You can spot the ball by focusing on the second row of men from the bottom and counting the sixth man from the left side. There you have it! Still can’t find the ball? If so, we’ve attached an image with the solution for you to see:

Source: Sun

If you find this puzzle challenging, don’t worry, because many others like you are scratching their heads trying to locate the ball. Regular practice with puzzles and brain teasers can train your observation skills, helping you spot objects faster. We have more quizzes like this for you on our site, so keep practicing and improving!

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