Only those with extra sharp eyes can find the hedgehog in this picture

Do you find solving such optical illusions and puzzles interesting? Well, here’s another one for you. In this image, there are several elements and the challenge is to find a hedgehog. The image was created by 247 Blinds, a UK-based department store that specializes in made-to-measure blinds, The Sun reports. Here’s how you can find it: Sometimes, looking at an optical illusion with your peripheral vision instead of focusing directly on it can help you see it differently. Peripheral vision is less detailed and can sometimes reveal the true nature of an image. Use your hand or a piece of paper to cover specific parts of the illusion. By blocking certain elements, you can often isolate the key components causing the illusion and see how they affect your perception.

Optical illusions are designed to trick your visual system, so it may take some time and effort to see through them. Don’t be discouraged; keep experimenting and observing until you can resolve the illusion. If you’re struggling to find the hidden element, take a break and come back to the illusion later. Sometimes, a fresh perspective can make it easier for you to recognize an illusion more accurately. Can you find it now? Well, here it is.

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