Even if challenging puzzles and optical illusions are usually the favorites, a new puzzle has everyone confused. Which of these two women is the boy’s real mother? Can you say? Do you think you can beat the seven-second mark? In the cartoon, two women are depicted sitting opposite each other in two identical chairs. A child nearby is playing with some brightly colored blocks and a ball on the ground. With light skin tones and brown hair, the two women resemble each other. However, can you find some differences that exist? The one on the left has slightly darker locks, cut into a short bob, while the other has longer auburn strands, falling just below her shoulders. The woman on the right is wearing athletic heels, a skirt, and a striped shirt, while the other is wearing a green skirt and flats. However, there are some facts that clearly show who the mother is. If you’re still researching, do it quickly because we’re about to reveal the solution! Here is the answer: If you guessed the woman in the green dress on the left is the boy’s mother, you were correct. There are a few small clues you may have seen. To begin with, mother and daughter share the same dark brown hair. You may also notice that he is looking at her while playing with the toy, showing that he feels comfortable in her presence. Some people believe that the woman leaning forward slightly shows her desire to watch over and protect her child. Some say she wears comfortable footwear to support the child when needed. The other woman, wearing a red T-shirt, seemed more relaxed and leaned back in her chair. How well did you do?