On the pursuit of happiness? Actor Will Smith says it can only be achieved by improving somebody’s life

The pursuit of a happy actor has built, when I have a hobby of becoming the largest starting film in the world, I realize that even though I have achieved all of that, I am inside me. An unsafe boy, who is trying to prove something. “

“After that, I changed and I realized that the only sustainable task throughout your entire existence was to improve my life. As soon as I made this change in my mind when trying Trying to grow and try to have money and try to become famous, ensuring that I improved my life every step later, suddenly I started to experience the healing,

“The change from the product and winning to love and people is very important because there is a relationship you have to maintain and that is the relationship with yourself.”

Will Smith also emphasized that everyone and everything are secondary and you need to love yourself first and learn how to take care of yourself before everything.

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