Mental Health Awareness Month: Your guide to beating lockdown blues

The Covid-19 pandemic and the next course caused damage to all of us. Most of us are sharp, worried, irritable, scared and uncertain about what happens after locking. Afraid of signing a contract with a virus, cutting jobs, cutting wages, etc., only adding people’s worries, and in some cases, it also leads to depression. Because May was reserved as a month of awareness of mental health, we talked to mental health experts to suggest how we could deal with this situation better. .

Guide to handling your mental health issues

While many people are too worried and in some cases of extreme depression and suicide, they cannot identify, accept, handle and then deal with their mental state. Therefore, it is important to follow these six steps instructions according to the psychologist Niharika Mehta. She advises people to adhere to themselves for their own mental health and their loved ones.


Determine whether you or your loved ones are experiencing any negative emotions such as sadness, anger, excitement, frustration, discomfort, stress, anxiety, fear, sin, etc.

Accept and accept

Admittedly that you or your loved ones are experiencing negative emotions. Refusing to make it difficult to deal with negative emotions. Accept that normally to experience such emotions in current situations.


Encourage communication, confirm emotions, try to become sympathetic listeners, take turns while talking and limit negative discussions at a maximum of 50-60 minutes a day.

Plan your day

Plan for your week and weekend. Balancing work, social and individual activities. Plan and maintain a habit. Divide household work.

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Reward yourself and others

Reward yourself and others for completing the tasks set out during the day. Use rewards such as deciding and cooking meals, choosing a movie to watch, more time to take care of yourself and your interests, etc.

Access to help

Monitor your mental health by observing the quality of sleep, appetite, motivation, energy level, etc. to consult mental health experts.

What can you do for your own mental health and your loved ones

Check friends and family. Empathy and emotional support. Allow myself and others to have time for me to handle negative emotions, without targeting negative consequences such as sin, anger, blame, avoiding, etc. “Interactive, accumulated positively by watching movies, movies, active reading, etc. Maintain a magazine to provide a safe place to express emotions.”

Defeat The Lockdown Blues

Finding ways to participate and keep yourself occupied creatively can help for a long time, according to Dr. Kedar Tilwe, a psychiatrist and sexist. This is a list of things to do to keep your mind comfortable. Learn new hobbies, participate in ‘self -making’ projects or choose new skills or challenges (such as learning foreign languages) together, is a great way to motivate your loved ones to shrugged the shop. Calculate and defeat The Lockdown Blues! Exercise relaxation, meditation and mindfulness are useful in dealing with stress. Doing these things together at a time is set to ensure better compliance and can be fun. Mindful eating exercises when done together in a group are great tensions after a habit that has been posed is the most important thing in the course. Support people to do this by ensuring that they wake up on time, and then help them find their schedules for the global news day that can make us feel indignant; Therefore, it helps them to move focus on daily activities and goals that can achieve short -term that can achieve society does not mean emotional reclamation. Review with at least two families, friends, acquaintances, colleagues or important people with you on the day

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